Raggs Cravin’s | Food For Thought

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I think it is safe to say that food plays a major part in everyday activities. This is not a food post, but more so a reflection post. I can officially say that me and food have a very complicate relationship. I like to play the shy guy and say I never eat out. But you know those days when you go looking through old pictures and you realize that you do go out to eat. Or that you cook or someone else cooks and the consumption of food is real?

Yep! I am one of those persons. I like to eat and take pictures of it. Can you believe I was doing that before the whole food picture thingy was a thing? I have had my fair share of good cuisine throughout my life. Which brings me to my next realization. I realized that I need to kick the rocks and get to shaking myself across the globe to try some new delicates.

I am in the process of planning some travels and I think the cuisine I want to experience next is Greek cuisine. Not the stuff that is in America, but that authentic cuisine. That melts in your mouth and makes you want to dance Greek cuisine.

For now, London will have to hold me over. For now.

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